the history and development of begleri

Traditional Begleri Beads from Greece

If you’ve searched online for information on the history of begleri, you’ll have found that there isn't very much documented--at least not in English. There are a few site discussing traditional komboloi, but basically nothing related directly to begleri. Aroundsquare has been very involved in the development of the begleri and the surrounding community since 2015, so we’ve taken it upon ourselves to do something about this lack of info. We’re slowly building it over on our new site—check it out if you’re interested, links below.. 

Begleri Main Page

Begleri History and Development

Begleri Configurations, Beads, String Length and more

Begleri Manipulation, Grips, and Tricks

Sling Slam 2019

Sling Slam 2019

Sling Slam 2019 is slated to be the first ever full-fledged worldwide open begleri freestyle contest. The contest is scheduled to run August 11-17, in an online format modelled after the successful Single Grip Open (SGO) contest that we have run annually since 2016, but without the restrictions of “single grip” play. Participants will submit conforming freestyle clips online, showcasing their best tricks, flow, and video production skills. As with the SGO, the majority of the contest is expected to take place on Instagram, but contestants are welcome to submit clips on other platforms as well. Full details and rules are presented below.  

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2017 single grip open contest details

2017 single grip open contest details

The 2017 Single Grip Open Begleri Contest will take place during the second full week of November (Nov. 13-19). Like the 2016 SGO, the 2017 competition will take place online, with contestants submitting continuous clips showing off their best “single grip” begleri flow. Clips can be submitted via Instagram, Facebook, or Reddit (details below).

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introducing Titan open source

introducing Titan open source

Aroundsquare is proud to introduce the latest in the Titan begleri series, the Titan OS. This is a free-to-download 3D print file that will allow enthusiasts to cheaply and easily print their own set of Titan begleri, and even tweak the design to their own personal tastes. Aroundsquare is making this design available for free to the community, in the continued efforts to help grow the begleri community and put good quality, high performance begleri in the hands of as many players as possible.

The free download is available in the AO2 shop, and includes and includes .stl , .sat , and .dwg files, which should serve the purposes of most 3D print hobbiests, and should be workable

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the 2016 single grip open (updated)

the 2016 single grip open (updated)

Aroundsquare is in the planning stages for a new begleri contest... the first of its kinds.. the 2016 Single Grip Open. The idea for the contest is single-grip freestyles.. combinations of moves where the begleri does not change its grip position. This means no transitions to other grips, and no aerials. The jury is still out on whether gap transfers will be allowed. There will be different "events" for different grips. There will be some kind of time limits. And submissions will be limited to single continuous clips. 

There are two main reasons for starting out with a single grip contest. The first, is that single grip is accessible, and equalizing. If we were

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badass beadwork

badass beadwork

I'm very excited to share the latest video from Kuma Films.. an incredible begleri edit, featuring some of the top slingers in the world... who (ahem) just happen to be sponsored by Aroundsquare. Extraordinary video and editing work, matched with incredible talents, and (ahem) some dynamite beads. Please check it out, and show your support to Kuma Films for making this happen. This video also marks the debut of our new Hydra begleri, which will be available Friday, October 15th, at 7pm Pacific time in our store. 

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the AO2 Crew

the AO2 Crew

The AO2 Crew is a Aroundsquare's official team. They're a ragtag bunch of insanely talented object manipulators, from the far corners of the internet. They are also, hands down, some of the most creative, skilled, and dedicated enthusiasts we've ever seen. They are all multi-talented individuals, and they bring together crazy skills with begleri slinging, balisong flipping, cardistry, magic, kendama, and more. With these skills in the mix, they are quite literally defining the world of modern begleri play. Check these guys out, give them some love, and follow our social media to check out the latest from the team.


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    the Titans are coming

    the Titans are coming

    If you're looking for the forthcoming Titan begleri, you've come to the right place. If you're following Aroundsquare on Instagram, you have probably seen glimpses of the Titans--a titanium begleri set with a completely new bead design that has been refined based on all the experience and feedback since the Wukongs. They are extremely durable and very well weighted, and the bead design plays, feels, and looks amazing. 

    When Aroundsquare launched with Wukongs in collaboration with MonkeyfingeR, we presented something quite unique--an over-sized round begleri bead, unlike anything else on the market. The Wukongs quickly set a new standard for playability, and the design has inspired many of the

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    begleri - worlds on a string

    begleri - worlds on a string

    Aroundsquare has been working on a little project behind the scenes for a few months, and it's time to post a little teaser. I've got okay focus when I need it, but I've never been a fan of just sitting still, and I've always liked having something to fidget with, and better still if there are tricks to learn. I grew up on yo-yos, but I would get in trouble for playing them in class. I spun pens, I doodled, I kept busy however I could. I wish I had known about begleri back in my school days.

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