introducing Titan open source
/Aroundsquare is proud to introduce the latest in the Titan begleri series, the Titan OS. This is a free-to-download 3D print file that will allow enthusiasts to cheaply and easily print their own set of Titan begleri, and even tweak the design to their own personal tastes. Aroundsquare is making this design available for free to the community, in the continued efforts to help grow the begleri community and put good quality, high performance begleri in the hands of as many players as possible.
The free download is available in the AO2 shop, and includes and includes .stl , .sat , and .dwg files, which should serve the purposes of most 3D print hobbiests, and should be workable for any go to 3D print shop. The Titan casings are designed to house up to two 1/2 inch hex nuts, and to accommodate the same 275 paracord used in the original Titans.
In August 2016, Aroundsquare introduced the Titans, with an innovative design that maximizes smooth play and bead control. The Titans have become firmly established as a classic and community reference standard against which other begleri are compared. The original Titan begleri were introduced in titanium as a high end, premium product, and were soon followed by the Titan AL Sport series, a more economic aluminum alternative sporting the same design features. Aroundsquare is proud to now make this same basic design freely available for players and enthusiasts to print or adapt for their own use. The design has been adjusted slightly in both size and shape to make it suitable for commonly available 3D printing materials, and to make it relatively straightforward to print. Many thanks, and a great deal of respect to Alexander German for his support in the development of the model and prototypes.
The Titan OS design, like all AO2 content, is available under creative commons: CC-BY-SA.